The EPA Office of Water’s Twitter account is a rather dull affair, mostly consisting of tweets clarifying the regulatory environment regarding ponds and puddles. So it came as a bit of a surprise Monday night when it bizarrely tweeted: “I’m now a C-List celebrity in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. Come join me and become famous too by playing on iPhone.”

It certainly livened up the feed. It was shared over 2,800 times before it was swiftly deleted. The game’s developer, Glu Games, even responded: “Keep at it @EPAwater, you’ll get there. #AList #WillowPapeIsTheWorst #KimKardashianGame.”

The incident follows a long string of similar gaffes made by EPA employees (like the recent revelation that a career official spent most of his workdays watching porn.) It’s unclear how much time EPA employees waste playing this game “on the clock,” but given its popularity and their propensity to do so in other areas, we wouldn’t be surprised if it were significant.

Apparently, living vicariously through Kim Kardashian is a lot easier than facing the reality of the impact of EPA regulations.